Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Fri., July 6

Met Marie and Dad after work at Catsburg. They did a short run of about 7 miles, then met me and we headed out. Went out to the Exxon, then down Geer St. for the other side of my Rocky hill - the side I fell on last Sunday.

Marie got ahead at the intersection and waved us on, keeping an eye out for traffic so I didn't have to stop before making the turn. Dad ended up stopping there with her, so I hammered on ahead to attack the hill. I could hear them shouting behind me "Go Rocky Go!!!" and I made it!! It's a long hill, but I made it with some gears to spare and felt pretty good.

Had the downhill side of the hill to recover a little before the sharp left and up a tiny hill (feh! I laugh at hills!) and we cruised slowly through the next couple of miles, drinking, chatting and recovering.

It feels really good to be able to actually ride with Marie and dad, even though I know they're holding back at times to ride with me and encourage me. But at least this year I don't feel like I'm constantly battling myself and/or the bike just to make it down the road, which is how I've felt in the past.

Really enjoying riding!!

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